Holistic Kitchen Blog RSS
Stay Calm this Christmas!
Tis the season to be jolly.... and stressed! I love Christmas, especially since having children. It's such a magical time for them and us parents too...Well, maybe not 100% of the time. This year, adding a pregnancy, a puppy and the new website to an already bonkers time of year, has been seriously testing. I'm fortunate enough to work with essential oils, which means being around their beautiful scents, quite a lot of the time. During those days, where you lose your shit over silly things and you feel overwhelmed by the amount of organising that needs to be done,...
Welcome to my new website!
Welcome …and thank you for visiting my brand new website! Last Summer the decision was made to take the plunge, leave my job and put all my efforts into Holistic Kitchen. There is never really a better time, to step out of your comfort zone and follow your dreams… I just decided to do it at the same time as I fell pregnant with our third child and the dog also was expecting her third litter of puppies… #timing Once I’d decided a new website was needed, ‘The Soapy Group’ stood out as the people to make it happen....