The Holistic Kitchen’s Guide to Surviving Summer
Summer is an amazing time of the year, full of long days and balmy nights that gives us more time to spend with friends and family and enjoy the great outdoors.
Although Summer may be a little different this year, the warmer, and often changeable weather can still take its toll on everything from our skin to our overall health and wellbeing. Summer can often bring with it a plethora of issues including hayfever, skin irritations, difficulty sleeping, lack of energy, and concentration. Luckily we have some handy tips and product recommendations to help ease those unwanted symptoms of Summertime so you have more time to enjoy the sunshine.
As around 44% of British adults suffer from hayfever, the negative impact of allergies on our bodies is high on the list, with anything from headaches, sore noses and congestion to runny eyes and skin irritations being experienced by hayfever sufferers. The effects of hayfever can often make daily tasks incredibly difficult but luckily, we have several products within our range that are real summer saviours when it comes to allergy season.
Our Breathe Balm is a great way to ease dry coughs by rubbing directly on the chest and is particularly useful when applied around the nostrils to catch pollen and allergens before they affect our bodies. Our Thalia Aroma Diffuser can also help to improve air quality and create moist air within a room thanks to its multifunctional benefits that can really improve respiratory issues. We recommend using Release as the Pure Blend of choice within your diffuser to help alleviate hayfever symptoms, as peppermint, eucalyptus and lavender have all been proven to improve allergy symptoms such as stuffy noses and puffy eyes when diffused into the atmosphere. Don’t forget that not only can you select one free Pure Blend with any of our diffusers, but you can also get 30% off all pure blends throughout July 2020.
When it comes to skin irritations, our Little Pot of Wonder will certainly help to soothe, nourish, and heal redness and areas of sensitivity caused by allergies. It will also be incredibly effective on sunburn as well, making this a great all-rounder for the whole family. If you are prone to redness or heat-induced reactions, then there are some great ways you can cool the skin by popping some of our products in the fridge. Our Succulent Face Toner and Jade Roller can be placed in the fridge and used on the skin throughout the day whenever you are feeling particularly warm, or your skin is irritated, red or itchy. The coolness from the jade roller with help to reduce redness while the cool mist will instantly soothe and calm the skin. These are also great tips for those experiencing hot flushes during the menopause and can be utilised all year round.
Moving away from allergies and on to the negative impact the heat has on our sleep pattern, which i’m sure we’ve all experienced at one time or another. We all know that lavender is a great ingredient associated with sleep so utilising this in your bedtime routine can really help to calm the mind, and hopefully, have a good night sleep. Again, you could use a Pure Blend such as Snooze in our Thalia Aroma Diffuser or alternatively, you could use Snooze in a Roller Blend directly on your wrists and temples.
If sleep does fail you, and sometimes the heat at night can be unbearable, then your concentration levels may suffer the following day. Luckily, our new Revive blend can help, as the combination of grapefruit, bergamot, lavender and rosemary is proven to help maintain focus and positively affect your mood. This comes both in a Roller Blend for on-the-go application and also in a pure blend that you can use in the Thalia Aroma Diffuser if working from home, or in conjunction with our aromatherapy jewellery so you can breathe the scent in throughout the day. We know that this really works as we formulated this particular blend during lockdown to get us through homeschooling, so have first hand experience of the positive impact it has on our concentration levels!
We hope these hints and tips help you survive the Summer and bring you some relief from the warmer weather and seasonal allergies. Please let us know in the comments if you try any of these top tips during the warmer weather and feel free to share any you may have that can help others during the Summer.