NEW BLEND! Stolen Focus

Stolen Focus will be your daily reminder to reclaim your attention and live with intention.

I have created this blend with sage, vetiver, juniper, frankincense, lemongrass, and peppermint. This essential oil blend is your grounding scent anchor. Inhale the magic of this blend, exhale distractions, and sharpen your cognitive function to navigate through busy schedules, screen-filled days, or moments of scattered focus.

Whether you're dealing with ADHD, perimenopause, or the whirlwind of daily life, this blend offers a moment of respite, allowing you to reconnect with the present and realign your focus.

The Story Behind The Scent

The inspiration for Stolen Focus came to me after my ADHD diagnosis last year. I was told I'd have to wait over seven months for medication, and the situation felt dire. Managing the challenges of parenthood, running a business, and dealing with the unpredictable symptoms of perimenopause only added to my feelings of overwhelm. My brain constantly felt scattered and busy, making it challenging to focus on anything.

So, I set out to create a scent that would naturally support my cognitive function and aid in keeping me focused. By tapping into my understanding of essential oils and the art of blending, I carefully handpicked oils recognised for their cognitive-enhancing and uplifting qualities. This blend has been my constant companion, offering the grounding scent anchor I need to sharpen my focus and stay present. 

Since incorporating it into my daily routine, it's become my go-to blend, always with me wherever I go. I've also consciously tried to reduce my screen time and use Stolen Focus whenever I pick up my phone to doom scroll when I need the dopamine!

I hope you enjoy this blend as much as I do.

Love Sal xx

PS -This will soon be available in a roller blend!