Hi everyone I'm Nicky and I just wanted to share some of my journey with Holistic Kitchen with you.
So… most of my life I have suffered with skin conditions, eczema, dry skin and sensitivity to products sometimes with gruesome reactions. Having been in and out of the doctors going through every medicated moisturiser in their book with no luck I resorted to just accepting using hot water to clean my face and dove soap to freshen my body. I met Sallyanne, the owner and creator of Holistic Kitchen at a mother and baby group and she gave me one of her little pot of wonder to try, I was sceptical but had nothing to lose. Then, oh my goodness! a miracle cure for eczema on my hands and in the crease of my arms, I was waiting for a reaction or a rash but it never came so I continued using it. I tried it for other ailments too, cracked skin on my heels, sunburn, bug bites and now it is just a part of my life!
That’s how I was introduced to one of HK’s products, since then I have slowly gathered the muster to try some other items. When you are fed up of having horrible reactions to things it takes courage to go through the motions with trying new products. I now use the face spa and skin glow as part of my routine and as well as giving me the moisturisation I was desperate for, it has dealt with my increasing number of wrinkles (shhh) and smells and feels divine. This is sounding a bit like a sales pitch but honestly, I have never known anything like this stuff perhaps there is some very expensive items out there that could do the job but I wouldn't dare risk it!
So now I help Sallyanne out with bottling and labelling her products, it is the most calming and satisfying thing I have done in years, plus I get to spend time with the boss herself who is an absolute darling and so passionate about her business!
I won't go into too much detail with the next thing I wanted to mention but like many people in these crazy times I have trouble coping with everyday life, being a mum, running a household and generally trying to meet the expectations required of being an adult in the 21st century. It’s hard, with insomnia a lot, anxiety and depression I look for anything to help me feel better that doesn't involve copious amounts of coffee and cake and after again being really sceptical about using essential oil blends I tried a drop of calm my mind on my pillow before bed and slept like a baby for the first time in years. I now alternate between that and the snooze blend and it’s been life changing! I got a diffuser too to have lovely scents around me and helping with improving my mood and making everything smell gorgeous.
That’s what I wanted to share with you anyhow, I would feel very guilty keeping the knowledge to myself when Holistic Kitchen has helped me in all these ways that could maybe do the same for you and if you're already familiar with these products you'll know what I'm rattling on about!
Stay calm, make time for you and peace out. Nicky xx